
Repositório Institucional da Produção Científica da Marinha do Brasil (RI-MB)

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Título: A influência das competências psicológicas na tomada de decisão de comandantes de submarino
Autor(es): Fernandes, Kelly Cristina Martins
Orientador(es): Pinto, Ítalo de Melo
Palavras-chave: Comandantes de submarino
Competências psicológicas
Tomada de decisão
Áreas de conhecimento da DGPM: Submarino
Data do documento: 2024
Editor: Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN)
Descrição: RESUMO A decisão da Marinha do Brasil pela operação e manutenção do submarino de propulsão nuclear releva a tomada de decisão dos futuros submarinistas que guarnecerão esse complexo meio naval. O principal tomador de decisão durante a operação de um submarino é o comandante, um dos focos da atividade dos psicólogos de submarino, especialmente, no que tange à seleção, à formação e ao desenvolvimento de pessoal. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar em que medida as competências psicológicas influenciam a tomada de decisão de comandantes de submarino. Foi realizada uma revisão teórica sobre os principais conceitos envolvidos, como a teoria da decisão, a decisão do comandante e as competências psicológicas. Foi aplicado um questionário para seis submarinistas que tenham sido comandantes de submarino no período compreendido entre os anos de 2018 e 2023. Constatou-se que as competências psicológicas influenciam a criação de recursos psicológicos adequados às demandas da atividade, sendo as principais competências envolvidas na tomada de decisão dos comandantes: atenção e concentração, controle do estresse e da ansiedade e treinamento mental. Percebeuse as competências psicológicas como ferramentas que contribuem para aprimorar a segurança durante a operação e para a otimização do tempo nas decisões. Nessa visão, intervenções sistematizadas para o desenvolvimento de competências psicológicas podem ser importantes instrumentos para a promoção da segurança nas operações.
Trabalho apresentado à Escola de Guerra Naval, como requisito parcial para conclusão do Curso Superior (C-SUP 2024)
Abstract: ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS ON DECISION MAKING OF SUBMARINE COMMANDERS The decision of the Brazilian Navy for the operation and maintenance of the nuclearpowered submarine highlights the decision-making of the future submariners who will crew this complex naval environment. The main decision-maker during the operation of a submarine is the Commander, one of the focuses of the activity of Submarine Psychologists, especially with regard to selection, training and development of personnel. The objective of this study was to analyze to what extent psychological skills influence the Decision Making of Submarine Commanders. A theoretical review was carried out on the main concepts involved, such as decision theory, the commander's decision and psychological competencies. A questionnaire was applied to six submariners who have been submarine commanders in the period between 2018 and 2023. It was found that psychological competencies influence the creation of psychological resources appropriate to the demands of the activity, being the main competencies involved in the in the decision making of the commanders, attention and concentration, stress and anxiety control and mental training. Psychological skills were perceived ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS ON DECISION MAKING OF SUBMARINE COMMANDERS The decision of the Brazilian Navy for the operation and maintenance of the nuclearpowered submarine highlights the decision-making of the future submariners who will crew this complex naval environment. The main decision-maker during the operation of a submarine is the Commander, one of the focuses of the activity of Submarine Psychologists, especially with regard to selection, training and development of personnel. The objective of this study was to analyze to what extent psychological skills influence the Decision Making of Submarine Commanders. A theoretical review was carried out on the main concepts involved, such as decision theory, the commander's decision and psychological competencies. A questionnaire was applied to six submariners who have been submarine commanders in the period between 2018 and 2023. It was found that psychological competencies influence the creation of psychological resources appropriate to the demands of the activity, being the main competencies involved in the in the decision making of the commanders, attention and concentration, stress and anxiety control and mental training. Psychological skills were perceived as tools that contribute to improve safety during the operation and to optimize time in decisions. In this view systematized interventions for the development of psychological skills can be important instruments for promoting safety in operations.as tools that contribute to improve safety during the operation and to optimize time in decisions. In this view systematized interventions for the development of psychological skills can be important instruments for promoting safety in operations.
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso aberto
URI: https://www.repositorio.mar.mil.br/handle/ripcmb/847614
Tipo: Trabalho de fim de curso
Aparece nas coleções:Saúde: Coleção de Trabalhos de Conclusão de Cursos

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